$159.00 USD

1111 The Codes of Heaven Day One Pass

 LIVE Experience of Deep Healing  Emotional Alchemy, and Life Changing Transformation. Initiate & Embody the CODES of HEAVEN

What you'll get:

  • A pass to Day One, November 9th, of the 1111 Codes of Heaven held at The Global Center for Christ Consciousness in Sedona AZ 

    Day 1 
  • Connecting to the Codes of Heaven
  •  *** Times subject to slight changes*** 
  • 8 - 9 AM (outside in the yard)
    Coffee & Breakfast Vendor & Registration 
  • Morning Session 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
    Opening Ceremony & Prayer  - Ron Interpretor
    Codes of Heaven Workshop - Nicole Keating
    Codes of The Elements - Amanda Alchemy
    Morning Snack/ Bathroom Break  11:00 AM
    Receiving & Embodying Your Highest Timeline  - Kierra Audrin
    Codes of The Angels - Nicole & Nina Starsong
    Special Performance by Athena Tree with Nina Starsong - Dance :dancer: by Dorrina Donia
  •  Lunch Break 1
    PM 1:30 - 3:00
    Carpool/ Bus to the land 
  • Embodiment Experience on The Rocks
    3:30 - 6:30 PM
    Stu Zimmerman- Codes of Intimacy
    Codes of the Muse - John Dumas
    Amalia Camateros - Codes of the Land & The Root 
  • Dance on The Rocks 4:00- 6:30 PM
    Stu Zimmerman- Codes of Intimacy
    Amalia Camateros - Codes of the Land & The Root - Dance :dancer: Journey

What People Are Saying:

"I have had the pleasure of getting to know Nicole over the past 9 years and I now consider her a dear friend. Nicole Keating is someone who I have no doubt is changing lives with her work and will change millions of lives in the future!"

“Hal Elrod” Bestselling Author of The Miracle Morning